Wednesday, September 29, 2010

You Gotta Start Somewhere!

About four years ago, I started my first blog. Blogging about my adventures in dating and life as a single girl was so fun for me and even therapeutic.  (Random sample from the "Single Girl" Blog.)  Regular blog posts quickly became a part of my life. My desire and ability to blog pretty much came to a screeching halt in September of 2008....that's when I met the man who I now call my husband. September '08 also happens to be around the same time I stopped writing in my personal journal (something that I have done since I was a little girl!) I had lofty ideas of starting a new "family style" blog....but that faded pretty quickly as life got crazier and crazier. Over the past two years, I have become a terrible record keeper and that makes me a little sad! My reason for the decline has something to do with the ease of communicating via Facebook, oh...and maybe my "Extreme Life Makeover"....the addition of a husband, four children and a minivan....all in just 18 months! (For a little background on that see  "Dreams" from our old blog.)

I've thought about blogging again for over a year and..... TODAY IS THE DAY. You gotta start somewhere!


  1. i alwaysfeel a little creepy being the first one to comment on a post, but i'll get over it. :)
    congrats on your renewed commitment to documenting your new life. i think the timing is excellent, what with a new baby to care for and figure out. ha.ha. i know you can do it. can't wait to read (creepy again?)

  2. I waited for Amy to post first so I would feel less creepy. Bwah hahahahaha.

    Beautiful blog. Babies change so fast, you'll be so happy you started it. I'm looking forward to many humorous and touching stories. :-D

    Sister Louvlise

  3. so happy you are blogging again. love you to the moon and back. xox
